Frequently Asked Questions

 Welcome to another great year of water polo! Below is a summary of frequently asked questions / key information for parents:


  • What age category should I register my child in?


    1. Mini = 9U (previously 10U) born 2016 and later
    2. Atom = 12U (previously 13U) born 2013-2015
    3. Bantam = 14U (previously 15U) born 2011-2012
    4. Open = 15+ (previously 16+) born 2010 and earlier


  • What are the fees for each year?


    1. Total fees are made up of Weyburn Hurricane club fees + Water Polo Canada ($35) + Water Polo Saskatchewan ($30) fees. Athletes who play within the high-performance teams (provincially or nationally have additional fees which are not included below).


Mini: 365 + 35 + 30 = $430 annual fee

Atom: 595 + 35 + 30 = $660 annual fee

Bantam / Open: 685 + 35 + 30 = $750 Annual Fee


  • How do I register?


    1. Head to and select “Register Now.”
    2. If your athlete is going to compete at any tournaments (including the home Weyburn tournament) they need to select the provincial fee structure.
    3. There is a registration cap, so once that is reached, we will not be accepting additional registrations. 


  • How well does my child need to be able to swim in order to play?


    1. We require all athletes registering to be able to maintain a base-level proficiency for swimming. 
    2. Minis are required to be able to swim comfortably in the water with a swim belt unassisted. They should be able to swim a full length of the pool (25m) unassisted.
    3.  Atoms / bantams are required to swim comfortably without assistance of a belt. 


  • I am interested in registering my athlete but I am not sure if they will like it. Is there an option for me?


    1. The club does offer an option for athletes to try out the club for free for two weeks prior to fully registering. This is subject to space within the desired program.


  • Are there additional fundraising fees I need to know about?


    1. Yes - the club has a mandatory $100 fundraising buyout if an athletes family chooses to opt out of the main fundraising campaign for the year. If the athlete chooses to participate in the fundraiser and raises more than the required base amount, the additional amounts will accumulate in the athlete’s player’s fund, which can be used towards future registration fees, club clothing / gear.



  • Why do the athletes need to fundraise?


    1. In order to keep player registration costs at a reasonable level, our club does seek out corporate sponsorship. However, due to the fact that we have fairly significant operating costs, we do require club members to contribute through fundraising. 
    2. As noted above, there is an opportunity to accumulate credit for an athlete in their player fund when they hit fundraising levels in excess of the base expectation.
    3. During our home tournament, we run a silent auction raffle table and parents are welcome to donate a raffle item towards this table if they would like to. This would not go towards the player’s player fund.


 What is the practice / game schedule for the year?

  1.  Practices are held Tuesday / Thursday evenings. Minis practice 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Atoms/Bantams 8:00-9:10 pm.
  2. There are a number of tournaments which players have the option to attend. These are included in the attached season schedule. 


 What is expected from our athletes?


    1. We expect our athletes to bring their best to practices and games, in keeping with the requirements outlined in Player Conduct as defined by the Water Polo Saskatchewan Code of Conduct.
    2. Respect for coaches, teammates, coaches, officials and competitors is of utmost importance. Failure to properly exhibit this will impact an athlete’s opportunity to fully participate. 
    3. Additional key points include:
      1. No cell phone use in change rooms under any circumstances. 
      2. No rough-housing or horseplay in change rooms or on deck under any circumstances.
      3. Athletes are to be changed and ready on deck five minutes prior to practice start.


  • What is expected from our parents?


    1. Our club is fully built upon volunteers. As such, we expect all parents to be participate in voluteering volunteer to help out at / minor officiate at all tournaments your athlete is at. 
    2. At beginning of season, parents are required to attend minor official training session and will be scheduled into minor official slots at any tournament your athlete is attending. 
    3. For any mini players, we expect to parents to be available to assist their child in the change room before and after practice. 
    4. Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner exhibiting good sportsmanship at all club events.
    5. Be responsible for your athlete at all events - this includes knowing where they are, keeping track of their team hat / belt, and making sure they are present deck side at the prescribed time set by their coach before all games. Coaches will facilitate all warm ups and coaching during games, but they are not responsible to monitoring your child outside of those times.


  • Is my athlete automatically registered for all tournaments when I sign them up at the beginning of the season?


    1. No - each time there is a tournament coming up, there will be a sign up circulated to each athlete inquiring if they will be attending. There will be no additional fee assessed for attending tournament (unless competing in multiple categories) but it is vital that athletes are registered in a timely fashion so be attentive to the timelines in the e-mails.



  • How will the coaches communicate with my athlete?


    1. Practice schedules as well as coach correspondence will all be handled through RAMP. Please ensure to RSVP to all practices and games your athlete is attending to help coaches with planning.


  • Is there gear that is required for my athlete to participate?


    1. Athletes can supply their own swim wear if desired. The club does provide an option to order club branded swimwear, at the athlete’s expense, but it is not required to be purchased. 
    2. All other items for training and competition are provided by the club.


  • What do the acronyms mean on the Water Polo Saskatchewan schedules?


    1. CLM - “Community League Minis”
    2. CLA - “Community League Atoms”
    3. CLB - “Community League Bantam”
    4. CLO - “Community League Open”


  • Am I able to watch the Tuesday / Thursday practices and scrimmages?


    1. Yes - we welcome parents to be engaged in your athlete’s experience, which includes watching them at regular practices and scrimmages.


  • My athlete is interested in playing on a high-performance provincial team. What are the options for them?


    1. There is an excellent high performance team based out of Regina which is an option to athletes of the appropriate age range / skill level. It is tryout based and operates independently of Weyburn Hurricanes. Athletes generally participate within their local club and also on the high-performance team during the regular season.
    2. There is also an opportunity for athletes to try out for and participate in Development Centres which has alternating practices between Weyburn and Estevan. This program is run through Water Polo Saskatchewan and tryouts for the program are at the end of September. 
    3. More information both of these complimentary Water Polo programs is available on Water Polo Saskatchewan’s website.


  • My athlete is very skilled - do they have the option of playing up in a higher age bracket?


    1. Yes - Water Polo Saskatchewan allows athletes to compete across multiple age categories, as long as they are not dropping into a lower age category than they originally registered for. So if they registered as an Atom, they can play in atom, bantam and open theoretically, but would need to make that registration decision in conjunction with their coaches and depending on scheduling. 
    2. Extra fees would be required to be paid in the event of this multi-category play.

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